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Terms & Conditions

Current conditions of purchase for GGLoot.com (Powered by KING OF SHOPPING AS – Organization number: 931 840 614).


This purchase is governed by the following general terms of sale for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet. Consumer purchases via the Internet are mainly governed by the Contract Act, the Consumer Purchase Act, the Marketing Act, the Business Act and the e-commerce Act, and these laws give the consumer substantial rights. The laws can be found at https://lovdata.no/info/information_in_english. The terms of this Agreement shall not be construed as a limitation of statutory rights but shall specify the principal rights and obligations of the parties to the trade.

The terms of sale have been prepared and recommended by the Norwegian Consumer Authority. For a better understanding of these terms of sale, see the Consumer Authority Guide here.

1. The agreement

The agreement consists of these terms of sale, information specified in the order solution and any specially agreed terms. In the event of a conflict between the information, what is specifically agreed between the parties will prevail unless it is in breach of mandatory legislation.

The agreement is also supplemented by relevant legal provisions governing the purchase of goods between traders and consumers.

2. The parts

The seller is:


Company Address:

Lysaker Torg 5
1366 Lysaker

Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: Contact us (for business inquiries only)
Company no.: 931 840 614
Office website.: kos-as.com

and hereinafter referred to as the seller / reseller.

The buyer is the consumer who places the order and hereinafter referred to as the buyer.

3. Price

The price quoted for the goods and services is the total price to be paid by the buyer. This price includes all fees and additional costs. Additional costs that the seller has not informed before the purchase do not bear the buyer.

4. Conclusion of the agreement

The agreement is binding on both parties once the buyer has sent their order to the seller.

However, the agreement is not binding if there is a typing or typing error in the offer from the seller in the order solution in the online store or in the buyer’s order, and the other party realized or should have realized that there was such a mistake.

5. Payment

The seller may claim payment for the item from the time it is shipped from the seller to the buyer.

If the buyer uses a credit or debit card when paying, the seller can reserve the purchase price on the card when ordering. The card is charged the same day the item is shipped.

When paying with an invoice, the invoice is issued to the buyer upon shipment of the item. The payment deadline is stated on the invoice and is at least 14 days after receipt.

Buyers under 18 cannot pay with subsequent invoice (We do not currently offer payment via invoice).

6. Delivery

Delivery takes place when the buyer or his representative has taken over the item (serial code for the game or software).

All our products are delivered digitally in the form of a product key for the product. Most product keys are delivered automatically and can be picked up immediately after purchase.

How to find the code:

  1. Go to “My Downloads”.
  2. Find the correct order ID and press “SHOW” at the far right under the heading “ACTIONS”.
  3. Below the total amount on the order page, you will find the product keys for each product you purchased.


If the product key is not listed on the order page, it will be automatically sent to you via email within one hour from the time of purchase (Monday – Sunday 9am – 11pm (UTC+2)).

If you did not receive the product key after two hours, please contact us.

7. Cancellation of orders

The right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts for the supply of digital content that are not delivered on a physical medium if the delivery has begun with the express consent of the consumer and the consumer acknowledges that the right of withdrawal has thus been lost. (cf. § 22 n) of the right of withdrawal (https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2014-06-20-27/KAPITTEL_8#KAPITTEL_8)

On the other hand, at GGLoot.com we want to offer a better customer experience and therefore offer a 14-day return right under section 34 of the right of withdrawal. This requires that the product code is not redeemed.

8. Delay and failure to deliver – buyer rights and deadline for reporting claims

If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers it too late under the agreement between the parties and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances of the buyer, the buyer may withhold the purchase price, claim fulfillment, cancel the agreement and / or under the rules of Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchase Act. claim compensation from the seller. In the case of a breach of authority, the evidence must be in writing (eg e-mail).


If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers it too late under the agreement between the parties and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the part of the buyer, the buyer may withhold the purchase price, claim fulfillment, cancel the agreement and / or under the rules of Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchase Act. claim compensation from the seller.

In case of a breach of authority, the evidence must be in writing (for example, e-mail).


If the seller fails to deliver the product (product key) at the time of delivery, the buyer must urge the seller to deliver within a reasonable additional period of fulfillment. If the seller fails to deliver the goods within the extra time, the buyer can cancel the purchase.

However, the buyer can cancel the purchase immediately if the seller refuses to deliver the item. The same applies if delivery at the agreed time was crucial to the conclusion of the agreement or if the buyer has informed the seller that the delivery time is crucial.

If the item (product key) is delivered after the additional deadline set by the consumer or after the delivery date that was crucial to the conclusion of the agreement, cancellation claims must be made within a reasonable time after the buyer was notified of the delivery.


The buyer may claim compensation for a certain loss as a result of the delay. However, this does not apply if the seller proves that the delay is due to an obstacle beyond the control of the seller, which could not reasonably have been taken into account at the time of the agreement, avoided or overcome the consequences.

9. The lack of the item – the buyer’s rights and the time limit for the complaint

If there is a defect in the item, the buyer must, within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered, notify the seller that he or she will invoke the defect. The buyer has always announced in time if it happens within 2 months. from the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be made within two years after the buyer has taken over the item. If the item or part of it is intended to last significantly longer than two years, the time limit for complaint is five years.

If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or the circumstances of the buyer, the buyer can withhold the purchase price in accordance with the rules of the Consumer Purchase Act, Chapter 6, choose between correction and delivery, demand a price reduction, demand canceled agreement and / or demand compensation from selling.

Complaints to the seller must be made in writing to [email protected]. The support team will answer the request within 48 hours.

Correction or re-delivery

The buyer can choose between requiring corrected shortages or delivery of similar goods. However, the seller may object to the buyer’s claim if the execution of the claim is impossible or if the seller has unreasonable costs. Correction or delivery must be done within a reasonable time. The seller is in principle not entitled to make more than two remedial attempts at the same defect.


The buyer may claim an appropriate price reduction if the item is not corrected or shipped. This means that the ratio between the discounted and the agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the value of the item in defective and contractual condition. If there are specific reasons for this, the price reduction can instead be set equal to the lack of significance for the buyer.


If the item is not corrected or redelivered, the buyer may also cancel the purchase when the defect is not insignificant.

10. Seller’s rights in case of buyer default

If the buyer fails to pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement or law and this is not due to the seller or the circumstances of the seller, the seller may, in accordance with the rules of the Consumer Purchase Act, withhold the goods, demand the performance of the agreement, demand the cancellation of the agreement and demand compensation. from the buyer. The seller may also, as the case may be, claim interest on late payment, collection fees and a reasonable fee for uncollected goods.


The seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pay the purchase price. If the item (product key) is not delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits unreasonably long to promote the claim.


The seller may terminate the agreement if there is a material default or other material breach on the part of the buyer. However, the seller cannot withdraw if the entire purchase price is paid. If the seller sets a reasonable additional deadline and the buyer fails to pay within that deadline, the seller may cancel the purchase.

Interest on late payment / collection fee

If the buyer fails to pay the purchase price in accordance with the agreement, the seller may claim interest on the purchase price under the Delay Interest Act. In the event of non-payment, the claim can, after prior notice, be sent to the buyer, then held liable for fees under the Debt Collection Act.

11. Warranty

Warranty from the seller or manufacturer gives the buyer rights over and above those that the buyer already has under mandatory law. Therefore, a warranty does not impose restrictions on the purchaser’s right to appeal and claim in the event of delays or deficiencies in accordance with clauses 9 and 10.

12. Personal information

The person responsible for processing personal data collected is the seller. Unless the Buyer agrees otherwise, in accordance with the Personal Data Act, the Seller may only collect and store the personal information necessary for the Seller to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement. Buyer’s personal information will only be disclosed to others if it is necessary for the seller to execute the agreement with the buyer or in statutory cases.

In order to serve you in the best possible way, it is necessary that we have sufficient information about you as a customer. After reviewing what is stored by information about our customers, we believe that there is no sensitive or critical data stored with us and that they can be misused.

We can assure you that our internal routines do not allow outside to receive sensitive or critical information.

There is no sensitive or critical data stored in the use of our payment solutions.

Our policy is that we do not sell, trade or otherwise disseminate information about you as a customer to a third party without your consent.
All pages when storing information are securely secured.

12.1 Storage of personal information

The Accounting Act requires us to store transaction data for 5 years. In order to safeguard customers’ rights in connection with guarantees and complaints in accordance with the Consumer Purchases Act, the Purchases Act and our sales conditions, we store purchase history for 10 years.

12.2 Security of personal information

At GGLoot.com we have good routines and comprehensive measures to ensure that unauthorized persons do not gain access to your personal information, and that the processing of data takes place in accordance with the requirements of current legislation. Examples of such measures are risk assessments, implementation of organizational and physical measures, access management and archiving routines, as well as routines for handling data and following up requests regarding the right of access, correction and deletion.

You can be assured that we store your personal information in a secure manner.

12.3 Change or deletion of personal information

Do you want to change your name or delete your account with us? Please contact us at [email protected]

13. Conflict Resolution

Complaints are addressed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. Sections 9 and 10. The parties endeavor to resolve any disputes on amicable terms. If this fails, the buyer can contact the Norwegian Consumer Council for mediation. The Norwegian Consumer Council is available on +47 23 400 500 or https://www.forbrukerradet.no/contact-us